It was both frightening and liberating because I could finally be in charge of my own body, rather than sitting back and feeling lost in the void of having a genetic cancer syndrome

Keywords: breast surgery , breastcanceradvocate , cancer awareness , cancerawareness , check your breasts , li fraumeni , li fraumeni awareness , mastectomy , prophylactic mastectomy

I’m trying to reclaim my body whilst saying goodbye to it at the same time. Life is a series of paradoxical nightmares.

If I’m not fighting for my rights, who will continue to champion for us?

I wanted to document this story because when I have children of my own, I want the world to be better than where it is today. And I also want to be vulnerable about my struggles, because I truly believe that vulnerability can be a source of empowerment for others feeling the same way or going through the same thing.