Routines are what it’s all about

Keywords: random thoughts , baby , child , community , confidence , creative writing , family , female writers , happiness , honest , love , millennial , mother , mum , positive , postpartum , pregnancy , pregnant , real , relationships , smile , thoughts , truth , twenties , write , writers block , writing

Sharan was a writer who travelled the world with her friends. She was independent, sarcastic and always ready to do something daring. This new face I saw when I looked in the mirror after having my son was not that girl. All I could see was a mum; who didn’t have the time or mental capacity to even think about any of those things that used to define her. She was too busy being up to her neck in soiled nappies and wet bibs; just trying to get through each day without having a mental breakdown.

[The ovulatory phase is] a time when I feel most social which as an introvert I embrace whole-heartedly

Keywords: Menstrual Cycle Awareness , cycle syncing , Feminine energy , femininity , fertility , fertility awareness , holistic health , hormones , menstrual cycle , menstruality , menstruation , ovulation , Womens health

It’s also a time when I feel my most physically attractive and confident. At this time of my cycle I love wearing clothes which feel feminine and taking the time for self-care routines which make me feel beautiful like taking time to style my hair or painting my nails. At other times in my cycle my self-care is more focused on the emotional level like meditation, journalling and relaxation. During ovulation I feel more liberated and comfortable in my body but there is also this sense of magnetism which I think runs even deeper than the physical level. I think as women we just have this energy during ovulation that attracts others, whether that is sexual partners, friends, work connections or even children.

Assuming that we are biologically disposed to want to find a ‘baby daddy’, and not just fool around sometimes, is ludicrous

Keywords: opinion

Some people’s hormones are nuts, we all have that friend who’s been broody since their school days, but this biological essentialism is not the case for everyone. What claims to be feminist in terms of ‘looking out for the needs of womxn’ just ends up being very narrow-minded, and reduces womxn to being entirely governed by our hormones.

It all made sense why about three days a month I genuinely believe everyone is talking badly about me, that no one likes me, or that I am annoying everyone

Keywords: awareness, cycle, disability, Emotional, Everyone Hates Me, Experience, Hormones, menstral, PMDD, PMDDawareness, PMS, Symptoms, women

It’s also to blame for sometimes being sure the friends I have only pretend to be my friends. I am so hard on myself and legitimately think I cannot do anything right, my irritability would add to that thinking, so I would get irritated and on-edge. Unfortunately, sometimes it goes deeper than irritability and lack of confidence, this is when my most intense and anxious thoughts are constant. It is when I imagine my life without the people I love or I ask the horrific question: would I be missed if I was gone?