I’d win no matter what, because that’s the important thing

Keywords: death , dreams , family , friends , history , music , political , weird , women

Anyways, if all of this were true, would you be afraid of my alien soul self who lives in a deep dark cave? Probably. I’m not evil, but I suppose if you see me for who I really am, you might be scared & think I’m going to eat you. I think I’m rather nice, but I’m certainly no fucking door mat. I don’t tolerate dressing down or domination or belittlement.


Assuming that we are biologically disposed to want to find a ‘baby daddy’, and not just fool around sometimes, is ludicrous

Keywords: opinion

Some people’s hormones are nuts, we all have that friend who’s been broody since their school days, but this biological essentialism is not the case for everyone. What claims to be feminist in terms of ‘looking out for the needs of womxn’ just ends up being very narrow-minded, and reduces womxn to being entirely governed by our hormones.


If I’m not fighting for my rights, who will continue to champion for us?

I wanted to document this story because when I have children of my own, I want the world to be better than where it is today. And I also want to be vulnerable about my struggles, because I truly believe that vulnerability can be a source of empowerment for others feeling the same way or going through the same thing.


We’re Kidding Ourselves: Self-Objectification is not Self-Empowerment

WGS 2225: Women in Popular Culture

by Giselle Hengst

The line between whether representations of female sexuality in the media amount to female empowerment or objectification is a blurry one. There is a very real need for normalizing displays of women’s sexuality, yet a lot of images in the media that claim to do so heavily cater to the male pornographic gaze. This creates a paradox wherein it is easy to condemn any representation of female sexuality as a product of the male pornographic gaze. It’s easy to feel as though this oppressive conundrum has no solution. One solution supported by liberal feminists is that we should disregard the concept of the male gaze, otherwise it would be impossible to ever represent female sexuality.

However, just because we choose to participate in a dominating system doesn’t mean it ceases to be oppressive. In the words of Black feminist thinker Audre Lorde, “the master’s tools will never…

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We need to talk about sex

couple , dyspareunia , health , painful sex , relationship , sexual health , vaginal tear , vaginismus

Last week, I shared a video from the BBC on my instagram, about a condition called vaginismus, and alluded to my experience with dyspareunia (painful sex). I encouraged women to seek GP advice or talk to me if they were experiencing this. To my surprise, 11 people reacted or directly messaged me on the topic (I’ve assigned them a random number to be able to refer to them anonymously throughout this blog). 

I have written about a lot of the things I have been through before, but I’ve only ever alluded to the problems I have had in my sex life; I was always wary of what people might think when it comes to talking about sex.

But now, I’ve seen the reactions that opening up has had, and I’ve recently read Emma Barnett’s Period book, so maybe that’s why I feel empowered to share my story. Or maybe it’s…

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