Routines are what it’s all about

Keywords: random thoughts , baby , child , community , confidence , creative writing , family , female writers , happiness , honest , love , millennial , mother , mum , positive , postpartum , pregnancy , pregnant , real , relationships , smile , thoughts , truth , twenties , write , writers block , writing

Sharan was a writer who travelled the world with her friends. She was independent, sarcastic and always ready to do something daring. This new face I saw when I looked in the mirror after having my son was not that girl. All I could see was a mum; who didn’t have the time or mental capacity to even think about any of those things that used to define her. She was too busy being up to her neck in soiled nappies and wet bibs; just trying to get through each day without having a mental breakdown.

When I look in the mirror I don’t really know who I see if I’m not trying to be pregnant, actually pregnant, or caring for a new baby

Keywords: body image , postpartum , baby , body image , child birth , mental health , mom , mom blog , mom life , mom of boys , mom of three , mommy blogger , motherhood , postpartum , postpartum awareness , postpartum body , postpartum fitness , postpartum journey , pregnancy , pregnant , sahm , self love , stay at home mom , stretch marks , womans body

My body did all of these things that I had no control or say in (other than my active decision to start having children), and it left my body feeling third person. I’m just the brain behind a machine. A baby growing, child birthing, milk making machine.

Fed is Best

Little Bit of Britt

As if being a new parent isn’t hard enough the expectations that come with it just tops the nonexistent cake.

Breast is best, keep your supply up, don’t brag about your oversupply. Formula? It’s the devil. Feed on demand. Hold off on supplementing but make sure your child isn’t hungry.

I did it. I breastfeed my son for two months. Let me tell you the ugly truth. We BOTH were miserable.

I reeked of sour milk constantly. My breast had a let down when I did something as simple as sneezing. Gray shirts were a no go even with layers of pads tucked into my bra. With much excitement after giving birth to sleep on my stomach once again, I couldn’t due to constant engorgement. I was waking up more to pump then to feed. Running errands took twice as long due to the need to pump in the car…

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