It is a common practice amongst people to hide the fact that they are on their periods due to the taboo ridden nature which is associated with it across different religions and cultures

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Out of the 42 girls who replied to this question, 34 girls used words like ‘I am down’ or ‘it is that time of the month’ to convey to others they she was on period which 8 girls did not use any such statements.

Women, say, “I’m Happy that I’m on My Periods.”

blog , blogger , happiness , healthy , life , menstruation , periods , pride , proud , respect , women


Every month we recieve a call; a call from the uterus.
Something is on the way.
We rush to check if we have stained.
No, not yet.
We check twice or thrice before going to bed.
And later, we wake up with immense pain.
A war of 5 days.
Laying straight on bed, with those sticky pads rubbing and striking our thighs.
You see us walking with legs wider.
Because it’s inconvenient; it’s so uncomfortable.
We feel so hungry, but really don’t wish to eat anything.
We go to the workplace, and work with physical pressure.
Hell lot of mood swings.
Nobody cares; nor they’re willing to.
After a tiring day, we take a hectic travel to reach home.
We try to sleep and try to find one comfortable position to sleep peacefully.
Hell no. We feel every drop of blood that’s dripping.
The cramps are horrible.
We survive…

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